Monday, December 12, 2011

Cover Letter (VERY rough first draft)


This I believe – Animal Instincts~~~
                I wanted to include this essay because it was my first literary work in English 101, in college, and in 13 years. After reading it over I notice many things I would change but I feel like I shouldn’t. To redraft another copy would ruin the progression of learning. Would you change an entry in your journal just to make it sound better after a year of pouring your soul into a book? It is a reflection of you as a writer at the time.

Application essay -  Umass Dartmouth~~~
                My attempt to add some humor into my writing came somewhat natural when I was writing it but didn’t feel as easy on paper.

Profile – The Children’s Hero~~~
                I included this because I feel it would make you think. How would you handle it if you were in his shoes?  Getting a job later on to deal with seeing some children suffer would seem difficult. Would they have taken the job to help people in need like Kevin did? After everything that he has seen, it may be more difficult you think.

Trend – Alternative Future~~~
                Including the trend essay is a requirement but I also feel that it is the culmination of all semester and it deserves its spot in my portfolio. Just as the Animal Instincts essay marked the beginning of my journey through English 101, The Alternatives essay should represent the polished final product as a writer. Driving a cleaner vehicle is something everyone can do but might not be able to afford yet. The options offered in my trend essay may bring some insight to automotive illiterate individuals. The essay may even perk the interest of some people to investigate further into those vehicles. They may find that car manufacturers are designing hybrids to make more horsepower.

Quite honestly I didn’t feel like I had progressed much because I felt that there was too much doing to get any learning done.  My first step was looking at some of my earlier works and it was painfully obvious that things have changed. I feel like I have come a long way as a technical writer. I didn’t feel like I needed to perfect much when it came to creative writing but I found out along the way that I always feel like I missed the mark when it came to nailing down the focus and staying within the structure of the assignment.  Do most creative writers feel like a caged wild animal when confining their talents as I do? I feel like more can be done but I don’t mean in putting more down on paper but in the classroom. I felt like we were blasting through all this material to meet a guideline rather than to see if the material was actually learned.

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